A few weeks ago I traveled to California once again with my hubby and a couple friends of ours for the Jesus Culture Conference going on at Bethel Church. What an awesome trip! Awesome teaching, and the music was incredible. While we were there Paul and I got to talk with Brian Johnson for a few, and he showed us a preview of our song ('God of the Redeemed') in his sweet studio(which had deer heads lining the walls by the way!! Who knew Californians were big into hunting?? I thought that was just for rednecks down here in NC! Haha j/k all you hunters.) Anyways... It was awesome to be there again, and what a privilege it is to us for one of our songs to be on our all time favorite worship leaders' album! It's called Be Lifted High(Bethel Live 2) and it comes out February 15th. You can listen to a preview here: http://www.facebook.com/ibethelmusic?v=app_178091127385 ,or for more info on the album check out Brian and Jenn's page: http://brianandjennjohnson.com/.
I didn't shoot a whole lot on this trip, so these photos are a little random. But you can tell from a few of these conference shots how hungry these young people were for Jesus. It was so amazing. I thought to myself, "so this is what revival looks like."